Love, Joy, Peace...

We use Substack for our email lists. This also makes any of our emails available on the web.

Every week we send out a Weekly Update with information for the week and other things going on, as well as a few thoughts from Pastor John. We also send out a worship email at the end of the week for what will be going on at worship that weekend, including an order of service.

A couple of times a month we'll also send out an additional email with either prayer requests or other more specific information that you need to know.

You can check out these emails by going to Substack and you can enter your email, or click "Let me read it first" and seeing what we've got. Whether you subcribe or not, you can always see what's going on by clicking the link.

Marceline United Methodist Church
321 N Kansas Ave, Marceline, MO 64658
Copyright © 2024 ChurchTrac Software, Inc.